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HNIR (Hyōhō Niten Ichi-ryū) Toronto Kenjutsu Kai

We are a Santo - ha Hyōhō Niten Ichi-ryū shibu (study group) under the 12th soke (headmaster), Kajiya Takanori sensei.
We have kieko (practice) every Sunday from 12pm - 2pm. To learn more, please contact us at

What is kenjutsu?

Kenjustsu is a term used for Japanese schools of swordsmanship, mostly those that pre-date the Meiji Restoration of 1868. Originating from the samurai class of fuedal Japan, the word kenjutsu translates to the method, or technique, of the sword. 

What is Hyōhō Niten Ichi-ryū?

Hyōhō Niten Ichi-ryū, which can be translated as "the way of strategy of two heavens as one" is the school of kenjutsu developed by Miyamoto Musashi. This school is known for it's use of two swords, the tachi (long sword) and kodachi (short sword) at the same time, but also teaches the single use of the tachi, kodachi, and bo (long staff) through a series of partner forms called seiho.

Through the study and practice of seiho you learn how to move efficiently as possible using minimum energy for immense results. To acheive this, the steady practice and refinement of seiho is key to trying to understand Miyamoto Musashi's school of strategy.

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Miyamoto Musashi

Miyamoto Musashi (c. 1584 - June 13, 1645) also known as Shinmen Bunnosuke, Shinmen Musashi no Kami Fujiwara no Harunobu, or by his Buddhist name, Niten Doraku, was a Japanese swordsman, military strategist, writer, philosopher, painter and artisan, that became famous for his use of using two swords simultaneously and having a record of being undefeated in 61 duels.

Musashi sensei's master of dueling has him regarded as a sword saint, and his philosophical treatise on Hyōhō Niten Ichi-ryū, Go Rin no Sho (Book of Five Rings), has enabled his school of stratgey to continue well after 400 years of its inception. With the few writings left behind by him for his students, we hope to get better insight from his writing on his thoughts, viewpoints on life, and his way of strategy.


Kajiya Takanori

Kajiya Takanori sensei is the 12 soke (headmaster) of Santo-ha Hyōhō Niten Ichi-ryū and the successor to Miyamoto Musashi. He began learning Niten Ichi Ryu under the 10th soke, Imai Masayuki Nobukatsu, and continued to study Niten Ichi Ryu under the 11th soke, Iwami Toshio Harukatsu.

On November 24, 2013, the Soden-shiki (initiation) ceremony took place in front of the Kokura monument of Miyamoto Musashi (Seishin-chokudo stele) in Chishen Kaiyushiki Garden of Kokura Castle. Iwami soke passed on the leadership to Kajiya sensei, presenting him a Menkyo Kaiden (license of full transmission of the school) and Miyamoto Musashi's Jisso-Enman bokuto.

Hyōhō Niten Ichi-ryū Lineage

1.    Miyamoto Musashi (founder)
2.    Terao Kyumanosuke Nobuyuki
3.    Terao Kyoemon Katsuyuki
4.    Yoshida Josetsu Masahiro
5.    Santo Hikozaemon Kiyoaki
6.    Santo Hanbei Kiyoaki
7.    Santo Shinjuro Kiyotake
8.    Aoki Kikuo Hisakatsu
9.    Kiyonaga Tadanao Masazane
10.  Imai Masayuki Nobukatsu
11.  Iwami Toshio Harukatsu
12.  Kajiya Takanori Kougen (Current Head Master)

Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu Canadian Affiliate Shibu's

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HNIR Seizan Kai
Collingwood, ON

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